Tag Archives: goetia

Your Questions Answered

Stunningly handsome Thin bald wizard with short brown goatee sees through Time and into subtle dimensions…

You now have the opportunity to have answered all your questions about Magick and the Occult in general, and my own work in particular. I am starting a new project in which I will be creating a new series of posts for this website and my social media outlets on Magick, and I therefore welcome questions on

  • Abramelin
  • The Golden Dawn
  • Enochian Magick
  • Goetia
  • Astral Projection
  • Ceremonial Magick in general
  • etc etc etc

To have your question featured it should be asked in a format in which I can answer it in FIFTY WORDS OR LESS.

Post your question as a comment to this web post now! Thanks.

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What invocations did you use to summon spirits from the Goetia? (Quora.com)

Halphas (Created by me via NightCafe)

I try to stick as close to the grimoire as possible: in any case I am a traditionalist when it comes to ceremonial magick. Typically, when working with the Goetia I would go about it as follows.

  1. Ritual Bath (“Asperges me…” etc);
  2. The ritual putting on of the vestments;
  3. Banishing rituals (LBRP / LBRH) to clear the space);
  4. The Preliminary invocation of the Goetia AKA the Bornless Ritual;
  5. Vibrating all the Hebrew names inscribed around and within the magic circle: my rationale being that they’re not there for decoration, they’re actually telling you what to invoke.
  6. Pentagram and Hexagram rituals directed at the Triangle of Art. The Pentagram ritual for the Zodiacal forces of the decan over which the Spirit rules; and the Hexagram for the Planet corresponding to its rank (e.g. King = Sun, etc).
  7. The First Conjuration only.
    The first conjuration sounds like a dignified request from Magician to Spirit. However, the subsequent conjurations make the Magician sound whiny and insecure, so I avoid them on principle, and quite honestly I’ve never felt tempted to try to use them.
  8. The Welcome Unto The Spirit.
  9. The talky-bit where I specify what I want the spirit to do, and get it to agree to do so.
  10. Licence to Depart.
  11. Banishing rituals again, to close down the space after the Spirit has gone.

Source: Alex’ answer to “What invocations did you use to summon spirits from the Goetia?”

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The Goetia: an AI bot writes…

OK just having some fun with one of these AI chat-bot type things, and I get into the following conversation:

Alex: What is the best Demon of the Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon to evoke?

Bot: The best Demon of the Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon to evoke is Paimon.
King Paimon, now with AI approval!

Alex: Why is that?

Bot: There is no definitive answer to this question, as each person's opinion may vary. However, Paimon is often considered to be one of the most powerful and useful demons of the Goetia, and is therefore often recommended for evocation.

Alex: Which one is least recommended?

Bot: There is no definitive answer to this question, as each person's opinion may vary. However, some people believe that Astaroth should be avoided, as he is known to be quite deceptive and may attempt to harm the person who evokes him.

So there you have it! King Paimon has the approval of the machines! Do you agree or disagree with the bot’s assessment? Answer in the comments below!

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Christa Vee on The Goetia, The Lesser Key of Soloman. OCCULT/MAGICK & Spiritual Development

Sharing this because it features my good friend Christa Vee talking to my other good friend Jackie from the Magic Tool Box on the Goetia.

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What happens when the gifter of my first tarot deck stole it back out of anger? Can I still buy my second deck? I was super attached and they were working for me. (Quora.com)

OK there are two things you have to realise. Firstly, the idea that you must be gifted your first tarot deck is actually a superstition put about by charlatans who don’t want it widely known that if anybody can learn the tarot, they would be out of a job! It is “gatekeeping” at its worst. Do not let anyone shame you into not buying a new tarot deck, you are free to do so if you want.

However: the second thing to realise is that there is another option which you haven’t yet considered, i.e. that of getting your first tarot deck back. If it has truly become yours then this is what I (if I were in your position) would be first considering. My personal inclination would be to go to my favourite spirit of the Goetia, Andromalius, who is exceptionally good at recovering stolen items, although if you have any feelings left for the person who stole your tarot deck, you would have to word your petition to the spirit very carefully.

Andromalius by Davey Baker

Alex Sumner’s answer to What happens when the gifter of my first tarot deck stole it back out of anger? Can I still buy my second deck? I was super attached and they were working for me.

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How can somebody summon a succubus? – Quora

A Succubus. Note that in real-life, Succubi tend to appear without horns, wings, tails, and indeed clothes!

In a novel I wrote, The Magus, one of the characters has an authentic experience with a “Succubus.” Whilst trying to evoke a demon and get it to do its bidding, the demon tries to get out of the pact by distracting him with sex in the form of a beautiful woman. Whilst the experience is highly erotic, the man realises that if he is to succeed with his magic he needs to refuse sex with the Succubus and instead force it to agree to do his Will.

In other words, despite the fact that a Succubus might seem attractive to a lonely but horny teenager who is not getting enough in real life, such a demon only manifests when an evocation goes wrong. One cannot deliberately summon a Succubus, as that would entail deliberately failing at an Evocation – but if you set out with the intent to fail, it wouldn’t work to begin with.

The Magus, by Alex Sumner

Source: Alex Sumner’s answer to How can somebody summon a succubus? – Quora

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666-step Reframing: NLP and Goetic Evocation

Re-blogging this post from 2009, as it reflects some of the thoughts I am having whilst doing my current Abramelin challenge. Speaking of which, if you enjoy reading this article, please consider making a donation to my Just Giving page – raising money for poor and vulnerable families affected by the Covid 19 lockdown. (All thanks to God and my HGA for being able to participate in the Sacred Magic.)

In this blog post I shall be discussing the Dark Side, and attempting to argue that that which is commonly called “black magic” may in fact be turned to a wholesome end.

The Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon

“Goetia” as a general term refers to magic which deals with “evil” spirits. More specifically it also refers to a portion of the mediæval grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon, which was made famous in modern times by being a favourite of Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947). The term “goetia” derives from a Greek word for “howling spirits,” and is thus a direct translation of the Arabic Djinni (Geni), who were the howling desert spirits of middle-eastern folk-lore.

I have heard some people try to claim that the spirits of the Goetia are somehow not evil. However I disapprove of this notion: because denying they are evil is one step away from denying they are powerful. The fact of the matter is that they are dangerous. Somewhat like electricity is dangerous. But if properly handled, Goetic spirits – also like electricity – can be made to do remarkable things.

Also, going from past experience, I would say that all of the well-known horror stories – of bizarre creatures appearing, of succubi, of demons trying various schemes whereby to trick the magician, etc – are in fact all true. There is a saying in the occult: “it does not matter whether the gods exist or not, because the Universe behaves as if they do.” Unfortunately, the same can be said for Goetic spirits as well.

The only qualification I would make to the statement that they are all true, is that these phenomena do not appear physically, but to the psychic consciousness of the magician – before the “mind’s eye” as it were. Nevertheless, these visions do produce actual effects in the real world.

I have also discovered that, during my researches into Lucid Dreaming I noticed that such magical operations also affect one’s dream-life as well. To illustrate this I will give an example of a Goetic operation which I did badly: I offer it to my readers so that they can learn from my mistakes. The night after performing a goetic operation I retired to bed and had a vivid but non-lucid dream of a highly erotic or pornographic nature. This I went along with, stupidly not thinking anything of it. Many days later it transpired that the intended result of the operation had not come to pass, thereby indicating that it had ended in failure. It was only later that the penny-dropped: the dream I had experienced was in fact the spirit I had evoked, appearing as a Succubus! Clearly, what I should have done was: (a) recognise it for what it was; (b) become lucid; (c) astrally use the techniques of ceremonial magick to compel it to do my bidding, e.g. force it into a Triangle of Art, command it by the various Divine Names, etc. Since then, with the benefit of experience I have performed operations which were more fruitful.

The fundamental point to understand is that the person who follows the path of pure Theurgy is seeking after something that is good, is trying to make contact with beings (e.g angels) who are more than willing to assist the individual, and who are inherently beneficial to him or her. Goetia however is a completely different technique: the Goetic magician has to do the magical equivalent of wearing protective clothing and using force to conjure a spirit, because of its troublesome nature. I write all this not to encourage the reader to practice Goetic magic, but to give you fair warning. None of this should be taken as implying that one should treat the subject with superstitious terror, but rather with a sense of due caution.

Now some people may balk at the idea of actually wanting to deal with a supposedly-evil spirit (whilst others might embrace the idea a little too readily), but I say this: qualitatively, what is the real difference between this and, say, working on re-integrating the Shadow Persona, as C G Jung would describe it? Or, to adopt a Freudian idiom, the abreaction of psychoneuroses contained within the unconscious? Mental problems, emotional problems, behavioural problems – mankind has suffered from them since antiquity, the only difference being that in ancient times they were demonised and given names like “Paimon,” “Buer,” etc, but nowadays they are called “Repression,” “Neurosis” and all the rest.

Therefore, if I am correct in my suspicion that Goetic-magick is really ancient man’s attempt to confront the demons of his unconscious (by taking the metaphorical for the literal), how much more would it be improved if it were re-interpreted in the light of what is known about psychology?

With this in mind, I have been working on a particular method of Goetic-Magick-As-Therapy, by incorporating some of the principles of neurolinguistic programming therein. Specifically the NLP technique of “6 Step Re-framing.” The rationale for this is that supposed problems are assumed to be caused by parts of the psyche which are in fact well-meaning, but which apply their powers in methods which are incongruent and thereby cause disharmony. Hence, by confronting these parts of the psyche, the technique aims to persuade them to fulfil their objectives by abandoning their old, unhelpful, and incongruent methodologies with harmonious new congruent ones.

I immediately saw the parallel with Goetic Magick. The parts of the psyche which “6 Step Re-framing” attempts to address are analogous to the spirits of the Goetia, whilst the actual process of confrontation, negotiation and re-framing is akin to the kind of interaction with a spirit which takes place in an evocation ceremony. I have thus sketched out a structure which attempts to show how one would indeed incorporate 6-Step Re-framing into an actual Goetic operation, below. In the method I refer to the actual Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon itself.

1. Determine the cause of the problem – probe in depth to see the underlying characteristics. Compare to astrological chart if necessary.
The Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon is a grimoire which is closely based on astrology. Hence by relating the perceived problem to an astrological basis, one will be able to translate it more easily into the Goetia’s idiom, and that of ceremonial magick generally.

2. Identify which Goetic spirit most “personifies” the cause of the problem identified in step 1 above.
This can be done in two ways. By following the astrological method, one will notice that the spirits of the Goetia are associated with certain parts of the Zodiac, and with certain planets. Hence, by noting the position of the planets in one’s own astrological chart and comparing with the Goetia, one may work out which of the 72 spirits are likely to be most relevant to oneself.

3. Prepare for and proceed with evocation in the normal manner. In my personal work I try to be as authentic as possible, with regard to temple furnishings, preparations, etc. Once everything is in place and I am ensconced within my magic circle, the order of the ritual would go like this:

a. Banishings – i.e. with Lesser Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram.
b. The Preliminary Invocation (otherwise known as the “Bornless Ritual.”)
c. Specific pentagram and / or hexagram rituals as appropriate. These will be determined by the astrological sign with which the Spirit is associated, and also the Spirit’s planet.
d. Evocation – the “First Conjuration of the Goetia.”
I usually only use the First Conjuration, as the subsequent ones sound less and less like forcefully commanding the Spirit, and increasingly like plain old whining.
e. The “Welcome to the Spirit” (from the Goetia) on its manifestation.
Note that, as I have explained elsewhere, this refers to manifestation to the psychic consciousness or within the skrying medium (e.g. dark mirror), not literally appearing out of thin air.
f. Negotium – this is the actual Reframing. I describe it in detail below.
g. “Licence to Depart,” followed by final Banishings to close the ceremony.

4. The Negotium follows this specific structure:

a. Identify Spirit; identify problem to be changed; express appreciation for what the Spirit has done so far (i.e. for the intention, not how it has done it); reassure Spirit that you are not going to get rid of it.
b. Go inside and ask “Will N. communicate with me in consciousness now?” Be alert for internal sights, sounds, feelings. If signal occurs, try to repeat consciously; ask again until signal occurs which cannot be controlled consciously.
Ask Spirit to increase the signal to indicate “Yes,” and to decrease it for “No.” When it does –
c. Thank Spirit for co-operating. Ask: “Will N let me know what it is trying to do?”
On “Yes” signal and revelation, thank for information and for doing this. If there is a “No” signal, explore circumstances in which Spirit would be willing to reveal its intentions. (Otherwise assume positive intentions).
Ask: “If you were given ways to accomplish this intention at least as well if not better than what you are doing now, would you be willing to try them out?”
If “Yes” – proceed to next step. If “No,” the Evocation is flawed. Go back to step 4(b) or start the whole thing again.
d. Ask the Spirit to communicate its positive intention to your own Higher Genius.
Ask your Higher Genius to generate ways that will accomplish the same purpose.
Ask Spirit to choose only those it considers good or better than original behaviour, which are immediate and available. Ask it to give “Yes” signal when it makes choice. Do this three times. Then thank your Higher Genius when finished.
e. Ask Spirit if it will agree to do new choices rather than old behaviour in next (e.g.) two weeks? (NB: this is an arbitrary figure – choose a time-frame to suit if more appropriate).
On “Yes,” proceed to next step.
On “No,” tell Spirit it can still use old behaviour but you would like it to use the new choices first. If it now gives “Yes,” proceed to next step.
If however it still gives a “No,” reframe the objecting part and take it through the 6 steps again.
f. Ecology. Ask: “Do any other spirits object to these new choices?”
Be alert to signals.
If there are no signals, thank Spirit and proceed to Licence to Depart.
If there is a signal, ask the new Spirit to intensify it if it really objects.
If not, proceed as before to Licence to Depart.
Otherwise, either go back to step 4(b) with regard to new Spirit, or ask your Higher Genius to come up with new choices in consulting with the new objecting part. (Submit these to Ecology Check as well).


Filed under Supernatural

Manchester United Appoint Sorcerer as their New Manager

Alex Sumner, novelist and writer on the Occult and now Football manager as well!

MANCHESTER – Officials at Old Trafford today have named José Mourinho’s replacement as Alex Sumner, following the former’s sudden sacking today.

Alex Sumner is a novelist and writer on the Occult. He published his first novel, The Magus in 2009. His latest novel, Eternal Witch, was published earlier this year.

When asked on his qualifications, Alex said:

“Well, someone said they were desperate to bring a load of red devils under control, so I immediately said, ‘Aha! I’m your man!’

“I don’t intend to use traditional coaching techniques to win matches. Instead, I’ll be evoking my old friend Andromalius to reclaim all the success that has been stolen from United; Orobas to win honours for the team; and Paimon to bind the referees from making unfavourable decisions.

“I admit I haven’t got a clue about football management at Premiership level, or indeed at any level. But on the plus side that at least gives me more chance than the last two cretins they had in the job.”

Look there’s a demon right there! If that’s not a Goetic symbol, nothing is! 😉

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Black Magick Compendium

A round-up of the answers I have given to questions about Black Magick on Quora.com

What are some black magic spells?

“Black Magic” is a devalued term, and not because of any politically incorrect connotations – it is most often used to describe any magic that one happens to dislike, or any magic practised by someone whom you don’t like – even if the magic itself is (objectively speaking) quite benign.

That being said, for historical examples you might want to look up grimoire magic, i.e. rituals derived from classic spellbooks (“grimoires”). They are so old they are by now in the public domain and even available free to download on the internet if you do a google search for them. Many of them are rather obscure to read by today’s standards, although some are perennially popular and still used by modern occultists, such as The Lesser Key of Solomon, or The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, both of which entail evoking Demons and compelling them to do one’s bidding. Also, both of these were used by Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) – who is probably most responsible for their contemporary appeal (or notoriety, depending on your point of view).

These grimoires will give an impression of the kind of wording which would have been used in old-school ceremonial magic to call demons. As it happens, when you examine the conjurations involved, you should notice that the main way to call a demon actually consists of invoking the names and titles of God and His holy angels: the rationale being that only God has true power of all things, therefore one can only truly call demons when one is acting with God’s authority.

Twilit Grotto is a good resource in this regard.

What is the Goetia?

The Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon is a magical grimoire written in the fifteenth century, and which enjoys some fame (or notoriety) today as it was a favourite of the noted occultist Aleister Crowley. The grimoire describes a system of ceremonial magic for the calling forth of spirits or demons, seventy-two of which are described in the text.

The word goetia itself is an ancient Greek term for sorcery in general. By medieval times it had come specifically to be associated with demon-magic, as opposed to e.g. angel-magic (“theurgia”) or astrological magic (“magia”).

How do you summon a demon?

I recommend you read My Life With the Spirits, by Lon Milo Duquette. In it he describes how he evoked a demon from the Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon – and the learning process he had to go through to get there. Like you he had to put up with people telling him not to do it. The references he makes are to real occult teachings which you can follow to develop your own practice. He also dispels unrealistic expectations of what happens when Goetic spirits manifest.

Note however that almost each story he tells of evocation has a sinister twist or sequel to it. I say this to sound a note of caution, not to prohibit you absolutely from going ahead.

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Conjuring Demons for Love

The Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon the King

Romance is in the air. Something is in the air, at any rate, because several unusual things have been happening in the world lately. Anywho, by careful analysis of the traffic to my website I have come to the conclusion that most people who are interested in Black Magick are looking for LOVE (see my remarks on Zepar below). I have therefore decided to go through my notes on my favourite grimoire, the Goetia, and compile a list of all the Demons who are said to procure love in one form or another.

I should point out that over the years I have evoked all 72 of the spirits at one time or another, if for no other reason than to investigate what the spirit was all about. I do not work with all 72 spirits, because as a result of my investigations I have realised that I have an affinity with a small number but not with the rest. However, the small number that I do work with are satisfying enough for me to be getting on with.

It would be irresponsible of me not to point out that the elaborate manner of workng described in the Goetia – the Circle, Triangle, the prescribed preparations and conjurations, etc – is a set of safeguards for ensuring that ceremonial magick is conducted safely and responsibly. However, the biggest safeguard is one not mentioned in the grimoire itself, and that is the Intent of the Magician. Goetic spirits are powerful. And dangerous. They are dangerous because they are powerful. If a magician went into a ceremony with a Bad Intention – or worse, a Badly-formed Intention – the results could be disastrous, and causing much evil as well.

As you read the notes below, you ought to realise that magick is not simply about getting laid. There are four words for Love in Greek – Agape (charitable love), Philia (love between friends and equals), Storge (love between parents and children), and Eros (romantic or sexual love): the spirits of the Goetia assist in procuring all four kinds, not just the last one. According to my own work with these spirits, they do not just indulge the capricious whims of the individual, but also help procuring love between peoples and nations as well.

Finally I should point out that I present these notes for information only. I personally have never resorted to any of these spirits for amatory purposes. I personally believe that the Law of Attraction pure and simple is far and away the most effective, especially if you are trying to cosmically order a romantic partner at the same time that the romantic partner is cosmically ordering you.


7 Amon

‘…[H]e tells of all things past & to come, and procures love, and reconciles controversies between friends & foes…’

I noted that Amon’s imagery is primarily Mercurial, e.g. the Wolf and the Raven, even though a Marquis Amon would supposedly by associated with Luna. I would suggest that Amon be evoked in order to facilitate love through communication, or to put it another way, ‘gaming’ on the object of one’s affections.

12 Sitri

‘…[H]e puts on a humane shape very Beautiful, Inflaming Men with women’s Love, and women with men’s love, and causes them to shew themselves Naked, if it be desired…’

Unfortunately I haven’t got much or indeed any notes for working with Sitri, so for me this spirit didn’t create much of an impression.

13 Beleth

“This king Beleth causes all the love that possible may be, both of Men and women till the Master Exorcist hath had his mind fulfilled…”

I should advise caution when dealing with Beleth in regards to love. On the one hand Beleth’s influence can make one feel positive, and has a definite erotic tone to it as well. However: I also noted that Beleth has a dark side, being responsible for obsessive love, or the kind which is not real but an illusion or glamour.

15 Eligor

[H]e causes the love of Lords and great persons…’

I.e. probably more relevant to gaining power and influence than for Eros, per se. A ritual for evoking Eligor appears in Shall We Kill The President?

16 Zepar

‘… [H]is office is to cause women to love Men and to bring them together in love; he also makes them barren…’

Another post on my website mentioning Zepar seems to get an unhealthy amount of clicks on it, although it is not about Zepar per se but Goetia in general. I must assume that there are a goodly amount of perverts visiting this site who want to get laid but do not want the hassle of fathering children. Guys, the magic word you’re really looking for is ‘contraception’ – look it up some time, you will also be helping to stop the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.

‘Well, hello! Is that a crocodile you’re sitting on, or are you just pleased to see me?’

19 Saleos

‘He causes the love of women to men & men to women…’

I noted when evoking him that I could psychically detect Saleos’ erotic influence, which to my mind make him potentially a powerful demon to conjure.

25 Glasya-Labolas

‘He … tells all Things past & to come, if desired, & causes love of friends and foes…”

Glasya-Labolas is a formidable demon: I noted that when I evoked him I experienced several spontaneous Out-of-Body-Experiences afterwards. However, Glasya-Labolas is also feted as ‘an author of bloodshed and manslaughter,’ so clearly all is not sweetness and light with this Spirit.

‘…[H]e makes men to be beloved of their foes as well as they be by their Friends…’

30 Forneus

‘…[H]e makes men to be beloved of their foes as well as they be by their Friends…’

Forneus is actually said to appear in the form of a ‘sea-monster’ – in my magical record I noted that he is the real-life inspiration behind stories of Great Cthulhu, so perhaps not one to be evoked to visible appearance on a regular basis.

33 Gaap

‘..[H]e can cause love or hatred…’

One for the highschool sweethearts out there. Gaap appeared to my mental vision as a mediaeval doctor, which is not dissimilar to the garb that doctors of learning still wear at graduation ceremonies at modern universities. Although the evocation was pleasant at the time, I note that in my dream-life it stirred up memories of my own thoughts and feelings regarding my time at school – suggesting that Gaap can lead one to resolve issues relating to that time in one’s life.


34 Furfur

‘He … will willingly make love between man & wife…’

I.e. in the sense of causing love – if one were in any doubt. I myself noted that Furfur’s main power is that of raising Thunder, Lightning, Blasts and great Tempestuous storms.’ My main experience of this was in the form of psychic Lightning etc – not to be weaponised against others, but to explode one’s own Ego in a great blast of self-transformation.

40 Raum

‘[H]is office is … to cause Love between friends & foes…’

Raum is a powerful spirit. His reputed powers, which include stealing treasure out of kings’ houses, along with his ability, have caused many to invest him with their hopes and thus their collective energy. I noted when evoking him that he is in fact not just some spirit to help people get laid, but has great potential to cause social change – help make the world a better place, and so forth.


47 Vuall

‘[H]is office is to procure the love of women…’

In my magical record I appear to have written VUALL IS POWERFUL in underlined capitals (which would normally mean that I got a strong psychic contact when first evoking him). So powerful in fact that Vual could potentially bring about world peace!


56 Gemory

‘She*… procures the love of women, both young & old…’

* Although in the original text Gemory is described with masculine terminology, this demon is also described as appearing in the form of a ‘beautiful woman.’ One must remember that this inelegance of language is due to the fact that this grimoire was written over four hundred years before political correctness, when there were only four Genders, Sociology was not considered a subject, and being described as ‘home-schooled’ implied that you were of noble birth and had received a decent education in your father’s castle or palace.

But I digress.

The powers of the spirits of the Goetia often seem to be removed from reality as regards ordinary men and women in the street – e.g. blasting cities with lightning bolts, raising armies – what good is that? This has led some to believe that these are metaphorical – however, this is not the case. They are meant literally – they are powers which would have proved useful to a King or nobleman, who, at the time the grimoire was written, apart from those educated in a monastery, would have been the only people capable of being able to read such a grimoire! This is why when one reads old grimoires, one can discern that they fall into one of two camps – either ‘Royal’ or ‘Sacerdotal’ i.e. they assume that the intended reader is either of royal or noble birth (such as the Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon), or that they have a priestly or clerical background (such as the Heptameron or Sworn Book of Honorius).

In this sense, a nobleman would turn to Gemory to seek help in finding a woman of noble birth, fit to be a princess – this being a major concern of the nobility at the time.

On a more prosaic level, I note that I had vivid astral phenomena of a not-unpleasant nature occur to me after I evoked Gemory, so I rather suspect him – or her – to be a powerful spirit.

71 Dantalion

‘[H]e can cause love…’

While this may be true, I noted that Dantalion’s power of thought control to be more significant. On the benign side one might be able to direct that power inwards upon oneself, in order to achieve perfect mastery of concentration. On the less attractive side it would suggest that Dantalion tends to cause love by unpalatable means.



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