Category Archives: Supernatural

Including references to the Supernatural, Praeternatural, Paranormal, Occult, and magick generally.

Angelic Astral Projection

Experimenting with AI. The visuals came from a picture I created on NightCafe, whilst the music was created with Stable Audio.

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May 14, 2024 · 9:03 am

What is a Godform?

The Assumption of the Godform of Osiris

A “Godform” is an idea that comes supposedly from ancient Egypt, although it was first described by the NeoPlatonist Iamblichus slightly less that 2000 years ago. The basic idea was that when a priest attempted to speak and act and imagine themselves as a god of the Egyptian pantheon, this served to invoke that god. Iamblichus’ idea was that the repeated “Assuming of a Godform” gradually transmuted the priest so that when he did so he became more and more godlike in real-life.

The Golden Dawn took this idea and made it the rationale as to why its grade ceremonies work on a magical level, i.e. because all the officers are assuming godforms whilst they perform their roles. The GD goes further by turning the assumption of godforms into an actual magical technique which adepts learn both to better work the grade ceremonies, and to do their own meditation and compose and perform their own rituals.

The actual GD technique is an unpublished teaching, but a simplified version of it can be found in the Ciceros’ Self Initiation book.

Originally answered on Reddit

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Are spells created or have they always existed but are being discovered?

Figuring out Cosmic Convergence.

Say I take someone’s ritual to ask a spirit for one thing, and modify it to ask the same spirit for something similar but not identical, is it the same spell, or a new spell in its own right?

A lot of advanced magical practices call upon the magician to be able to create his/her own rituals: although mostly this will be a case of building upon established principles in which he/she has been trained – e.g. the magical systems of the Golden Dawn or Thelema. Hence in that sense, although original magical rituals are continuously being created, very few rituals are “totally original.”

In the Abramelin system, it is theoretically possible to ask one’s HGA to reveal a new “spell” (i.e. a magick square or spirit, or both) if one doesn’t already exist to suit one’s purpose. Which is just as well, because if this were not so, Abramelin would not be suited to the 21st century but would be stuck in the 15th century. HOWEVER, I believe that the secrets the HGA reveals come from a place outside Time, so the question “is it new or does it already exist” cannot properly be answered.

Alex’ answer to Are spells created or have they always existed but are being discovered? on Reddit.

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For those that have actually done the Abramelin Operation, what did you experience? What did you gain from performing it? (Reddit)

Angelic Healing Power: created by me courtesy of NightCafeStudio

Alex’ answer:

Hi, I actually did the Abramelin Operation during the lockdown in 2020, and subsequently wrote a book about it.

I know that all experiences are subjective to the practitioner, but I still think hearing about others experiences will still be very informative.

How did you prepare to do the ritual?

The superficial answer was that I didn’t. The lockdown began in March 2020, and Abramelin Season began a couple of weeks later on Easter Monday, 10th April. As I found myself obliged to work from home on full pay for the then foreseeable future, I decided pretty quickly “Fuck it, it’s now or never.”
However, the more fuller answer is that when I did start Abramelin, I found that having practiced ceremonial magick and meditation in general for over twenty-five years before starting the operation proper proved invaluable to me. In that sense, I had been preparing for it for over a quarter of a century.

What did you experience when you summoned the demonic powers?

It felt nerve-wracking at the time. However, the Demons are conjured on the last three days of the Ritual: the HGA is invoked on the three days prior to that. It helped enormously that on the evening of the Third Day of Convocation of the Good Spirits I believe I actually experienced my Holy Guardian Angel manifesting, which meant I went into the subsequent demonic conjurations with confidence.
Ultimately, the biggest demon which I conquered was my own fear of completing the ritual.

What was it like to summon the holy guardian angel?

Satisfying – not unlike deep, intense, meditation. Incidentally, I found that KCHGA doesn’t just happen suddenly at the very end of the operation, but starts to manifest during the course of the operation itself. The final Convocations of the Good Spirits is just the culmination of the thing.

Do you have any advice for those that are looking to perform the ritual themselves?

Yes, it’s actually a lot easier than you probably think. For the most part it consists of performing a simple ritual twice or three times a day every day for six months. What’s more, nowadays we live in an age when it is easier than ever to perform Abramelin: delicious vegetarian food is available from every supermarket, and technology, especially the internet, means that an Operand has more support for his/her efforts than at any time in the past.

The only really difficult part is in the final third, when you have to do the ritual three times a day – morning, noon, and night – the noon-day ritual really gets in the way of holding down a proper job, so ideally one ought to find a way to go on sabbatical for that time. The final seven days I booked off completely.

Alex Sumner
Author, Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit: an Abramelin Memoir.

Alex’ answer to For those that have actually done the Abramelin Operation, what did you experience? What did you gain from performing it? on Reddit

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Filed under Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit, Supernatural

The Archangel Tzaphqiel

Artwork by me courtesy of NightCaféStudio

This is based on some magical work I have recently done. The Archangel of Binah is Tzaphqiel (sometimes spelled “Tzaphkiel”) whose name means (according to Davidson (1967) p366) “Knowledge of God.” Consequently, Tzaphqiel is thought of as the Recording Angel, and hence, the Qabalistic equivalent of the Keeper of the Akashic Records.

When one considers just how big the Akashic Records are, this implies that Tzaphqiel is a considerably bigger deal than one might be supposed. For example, she is the key to the sum total of all knowledge in general and one’s own past lives in particular. Therefore her influence is not just limited to “Binah-type things” but to a surprisingly large fund of expertise.

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What’s an HGA for? (Reddit)

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to a “Thin Bald Wizard with Short brown Goatee” for using his magick to bring about world peace & global prosperity

What does your HGA even do? What’s the point of connecting with it? Why would anybody even bother? If it’s for protection, why not just use protection magick? Anyways, super confused.

I remember when I first believed I made contact with my HGA.

Before then, I had been taking magick on faith. When the Angel appeared, it made me feel “ecstatic” in the literal sense. I realized now this was the first time where I had definitively experienced the presence of an angel.

This permanently and irrevocably altered the paradigm upon which I had framed my whole beliefs. In one moment I abandoned the psychological theory of magic, and instead believed that angels in particular and magic in general was in fact real. Before then I had been taking other people’s word for it, but now I knew.

As regards what you do with the HGA when you find it, the benefits are several. Communing with the HGA has by itself a benevolent healing effect. If this were not enough, I find that my HGA often gives me insights as to how to improve my spiritual practice. I do not share these with other people because I believe these are only meant for me and are only relevant to me, unless my HGA actually says they meant for other people, which is a rare event.

Then of course there is the Abramelin system which teaches that the HGA is necessary to summon and bind all the spirits by whom the practical effects of ceremonial magic are accomplished. moreover, the HGA enables one to innovate new forms of practical magic so that one is not bound to the magic of the past.

Source: Alex’ answer to What’s an HGA for?

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“Is it true there are no such thing as ‘bad cards?'” (Reddit)

This is one of the things I always say: “There are no bad tarot cards, just bad tarot readers.” Really, it is the responsibility of the tarot reader to manage the expectations of the Querent. The tarot spread one uses is a choice: if the Tarot reader starts off by choosing to use a spread where there is supposedly only one possible outcome, then it is the Reader’s own stupid fault for when the reading ends in disappointment.

If however the Reader makes clear that the cards dealt represent alternatives or possibilities, and choses a tarot spread which reflects this, then the Querent will leave the session feeling that it was a worthwhile experience and they have gained valuable insights.

As to the Tarot cards which less-than-scrupulous readers leave in the box, the way I rationalise them is this:

The so-called “bad” tarot cards are Hazard Warning Signs.

If you were going about your daily business and saw a Hazard Warning Sign saying something like “Danger: Death!” You would obviously dislike the consequences of ignoring the sign, but you would regard the sign itself not as evil, but as Good – because it has helped save your life.

So it is with Tarot cards. If you ask “is it a good idea to do such and such?” and you turn over the 10 of Swords, I would answer: “No – unless you actually want to bring ruin and destruction upon yourself.”

Amongst positive sides to the cards to which the picture refers, I can think of the following:

  • Death. Refers to a metaphorical death such as the end of one thing and beginning of another. Also it refers to Scorpio and/or the eight house of one’s horoscope. Given that everyone dies, of old age if nothing else, it could just be talking about not the fact that you will die, but what happens when you do, such as inheritances.
  • 10 of Swords. Because there is nothing worse than the 10 of Swords, everything that happens after it must by definition be better. If the 10 of Swords occurs in a position representing the past, it means the the worst is behind you.
  • The Tower. This means Destruction. But if the thing being destroyed is itself evil (e.g. what imprisons you or holds you back in life), then it’s actually good. It also could just mean the influence of the planet Mars, and all that that implies.
  • 5 of Cups. Although this means loss or disappointment in love, in the RW version three cups are overturned, but two remain upright, showing that there is at least something that can be learned or salvaged from the experience. Also, like the 10 of Swords, if the 5 of Cups refers to something in the past…

Original post: Alex’ answer to Is it true there are no such thing as “bad cards”?

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What invocations did you use to summon spirits from the Goetia? (

Halphas (Created by me via NightCafe)

I try to stick as close to the grimoire as possible: in any case I am a traditionalist when it comes to ceremonial magick. Typically, when working with the Goetia I would go about it as follows.

  1. Ritual Bath (“Asperges me…” etc);
  2. The ritual putting on of the vestments;
  3. Banishing rituals (LBRP / LBRH) to clear the space);
  4. The Preliminary invocation of the Goetia AKA the Bornless Ritual;
  5. Vibrating all the Hebrew names inscribed around and within the magic circle: my rationale being that they’re not there for decoration, they’re actually telling you what to invoke.
  6. Pentagram and Hexagram rituals directed at the Triangle of Art. The Pentagram ritual for the Zodiacal forces of the decan over which the Spirit rules; and the Hexagram for the Planet corresponding to its rank (e.g. King = Sun, etc).
  7. The First Conjuration only.
    The first conjuration sounds like a dignified request from Magician to Spirit. However, the subsequent conjurations make the Magician sound whiny and insecure, so I avoid them on principle, and quite honestly I’ve never felt tempted to try to use them.
  8. The Welcome Unto The Spirit.
  9. The talky-bit where I specify what I want the spirit to do, and get it to agree to do so.
  10. Licence to Depart.
  11. Banishing rituals again, to close down the space after the Spirit has gone.

Source: Alex’ answer to “What invocations did you use to summon spirits from the Goetia?”

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How is a Pagan supposed to do the Abramelin?

From Reddit: “How is a pagan supposes (sic) to do the abramelin?”

By the power of Metaphor.

You go into it assuming that “YHVH,” “Tzebaoth” and “Adonai” are all metaphors for whichever god(dess) that you do worship, so that when you invoke them you are really invoking your patron deity by another name.

Dion Fortune

Remember, Dion Fortune once said that all gods are but one God, and all goddesses are one Goddess. Indeed, the Hermetic Qabalah was formulated so that people of different religions could all share in one magical tradition: participants were actively expected to translate the, for example, Egyptian symbolism they encountered in a Golden Dawn ceremony into concepts that made sense to them in the context of their own religion, via the Qabalah.

The modern fancy that you have to stay within the ghetto of your own religion, no matter what, goes against the history of why the western magical tradition was created in the first place.

Source: How is a pagan supposes to do the abramelin? (sic)

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Abramelin vs Gnosticism

From Reddit: Are ceremonial magic rituals such as the Abramelin acceptable in Gnosticism?

One of the most popular rites used to invoke the Holy Guardian Angel as part of the Abramelin process – viz., The Bornless Ritual – is an actual Gnostic Ritual. Certain key words and phrases in the ritual only make sense if understood from a Gnostic context, the most obvious one I can think of being the line, “I am He, the grace of the world.”

The original Greek is η χάρις του αιώνος – “He Charis Ton Aionos” i.e. the Grace of the Aeon. Quite aside from the point being that the “world” referred to in the ritual is the Pleroma or spiritual world, not the material one, “Charis” is a title in Valentinian Gnosticism for the consort of the first aeon (the same word crops up throughout other systems of Gnosticism).

One Abramelin practitioner told me he believed the Holy Guardian Angel was a messenger from the Pleroma to the individual – like a “personal Logos,” if you will – but I digress.


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