Tag Archives: aliens

Aliens 2019

News today that not one but two Earth-like exoplanets have been discovered orbiting a star just over twelve light years away. The star in question, “Teegarden’s Star,” is a red-dwarf, whose small size and apparent dimness meant that it was not easy to detect: it was in fact only discovered itself in 2003. Hence for all astronomers know, there could very well be many more stars, even relatively close to Earth, “patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

Given its distance from Earth, if our interstellar brethren are listening to our broadcasts, they will think we are still listening to The Kooks, Nelly Furtado and Razorlight, George W Bush is President of the USA, Tony Blair is Prime Minister of the UK, and the world waits with baited breath to see if The Davinci Code really did plagiarize The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. More importantly, to communicate with these planets, it would take 25 years to send and receive messages by conventional means…

… However: you can do so instantaneously using the magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn! Yes, using principles I outlined in a blog post entitled “Aliens and the Golden Dawn,” it is theoretically possible to astrally project to distant stars and the planets which orbit them using GD methods. The relevant data which would enable us to do so is that Teegarden’s Star can be located astronomically in Aries, at 2h 53m RA (compare this to Regulus, Alpha Leonis, which is 10h 8m RA) and +16º 53′ Declination, which puts it just above the line of the Ecliptic.

It is therefore possible to calculate where it would lie in relation to MacGregor Mathers’ version of sidereal astrology, and the corresponding Tarot card:

Name / Designation Distance (light years) Constellation Tarot-card
(Astronomic) (Mathers / Sidereal)
Teegarden’s Star 12.5 Aries 11º 9′ 38″ Aries Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands from the Robert Wang Golden Dawn deck.

Hence: it ought to be possible to astrally project to the Queen of Wands after having formulated the Tree of Life Projected In A Sphere, and ask her to conduct us to the planets orbiting Teegarden’s Star to find out what life is really like there.

If there are any magicians who would like to give this a go, why not post your findings as comments to this post? 🙂

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Alex Sumner’s answer to Was Elijah taken by God or aliens on a fiery chariot into heaven? – Quora

Elijah and his “Chariot.”

Neither. In this case, “Chariot” (Hebrew: “Merkavah”) refers to a type of mysticism, kind of like proto-Kabbalah. In other words, he astrally ascended to heaven in a state of perfected consciousness, whilst his physical body probably just died normally. This is not dissimilar to the Yogic concept of “Mahasamadhi,” which is how great sages end their physical incarnation whilst in a state of perfected meditation.

Source: Alex Sumner’s answer to Was Elijah taken by God or aliens on a fiery chariot into heaven? – Quora

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Alex Sumner’s answer to Do Masons know the truth about Extraterrestials? – Quora

No, we’re nice people really!

Freemasons on this planet do not currently recognise any Grand Lodges or Masonic obediences of a non-Earth origin. Hence we are not in Amity with any Extraterrestrial Masons, and if there is any Alien Masonic activity happening on this planet it would be considered “Clandestine”: i.e. if a regular Freemason tried to take part in it, he would be subject to Masonic Disciplinary Proceedings.

Furthermore, if an extraterrestrial applied for membership of a regular lodge here on Earth, it would run into problems. The qualifications for membership are to be a free *man* aged twenty-one years or more, who believes in a Supreme Being. Hence there might be arguments over whether the extraterrestrial can properly be said to be a “man” or not.

More prosaically: Freemasons probably do know the truth about Extraterrestrials, as many of them (Freemasons that is) are intelligent men who keep up to date with current thinking on astronomy. Freemasonry itself does not have an official opinion on the matter.

Source: Alex Sumner’s answer to Do Masons know the truth about Extraterrestials? – Quora

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Following straight on from my last post

Kether, in the TOLPIAS system, is the “north pole of the ecliptic” as opposed to the celestial north pole. The co-ordinates for Kether can thus be worked out precisely as 18h 00 Right Ascension, +66º 30′ Declination.

This can be shown on a star map here. Focus on the exact centre of the screen as you zoom in and out. It turns out – as expected – to be right in the middle of the constellation Draco. Below is a rather unhelpful NASA photograph of the same co-ordinates:


It’s the dot in the centre.

The nearest star to those co-ordinates is 42 Draconis, otherwise known as Fafnir, named after the dwarf who turned into a dragon. Curiously it has a planet, 42 Draconis B, supposedly named “Orbitar,” for no particularly good reason, other than some astronomical society submitted it as the winning entry in a naming competition.

It seems like the occult community missed a trick here, by not getting its act together!

One curious fact about Fafnir is that it may be Kether to us, but it is the (Northern) Pole Star for the Planet Venus.

Incidentally, if you are wondering, “Malkuth” in the TOLPIAS system would be at 6h RA, -66º 30′ Dec, which is closest to the star Eta-1 Doradus in the constellation Dorado, the Swordfish (or Dolphin) – also the (Southern) Pole Star for Venus.

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Aliens and the Golden Dawn

You have the power to contact alien beings and extraterrestrial intelligences, using the Magic of the Golden Dawn! In fact, this is exactly what the original teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn were always leading up to!

Seriously: recently I have been investigating the Theoricus Adeptus Minor teaching of the “Tree of Life Projected In A Sphere” – which can be found in Regardie’s The Golden Dawn – and have come to the conclusion that it is no less than a method for astrally projecting ultimately to anywhere in the universe – and all whilst remaining within the GD paradigm.

I will avoid giving a full explanation of the entire “Tree of Life Projected In A Sphere” (which I shall hereinafter abbreviate as “TOLPIAS”) teaching in this particular blog-post, save to say that the basic theory behind contacting Aliens using this method is this: first determine, astronomically, where these Aliens actually are, in terms of the star around which their planet orbits. Given that the TOLPIAS scheme involves mapping the constellations to one’s Sphere of Sensation, it should then be possible to work out the position of the Aliens’ homeworld in relation thereto, and which card of the Tarot would correspond to that particular section of the sky.

The method I have used in my own particular experiments consists of first, working out my horoscope in terms of the “Mathers / Sidereal” system; secondly, during meditation, build-up the TOLPIAS in imagination with myself in the midst thereof, with the degree of my ascendant as determined under the “Mathers / Sidereal” system facing due east. The complete visualisation of TOLPIAS would involve not only imagining the positions of the various Sephiroth, but invoking divine and angelic names as appropriate for each one. This being done, I visualise where the various Tarot cards lie, and then imagine drawing down energy into my Sphere of Sensation by the four-fold Dragon formulae.

At this point I am ready to commence Projecting, which I first do to the appropriate Tarot card. There I establish contact with a spirit-guide – all so far using conventional GD methodology. I then ask the spirit-guide to accompany me to the alien star-system, and to their planet, and have a good old-explore, trying to make contact with local inhabitants, and so-forth. To end the session I travel back with my spirit-guide, and take my leave of him or her in the usual manner.

The Prince of Pentacles from Robert Wang’s Golden Dawn Tarot Deck

A Pleiadian Alien

So, for example, to go visit the Pleiadians on their homeworld one would first project to the “Prince of Pentacles” – one could even imagine that the Prince of Pentacles is taking you in his chariot through space.

The actual utility of attempting to do so I leave to others to determine for themselves. On my first ever attempt to make telepathic contact with aliens, I did not necessarily receive spiritual teachings of cosmic importance, but I did succeed in channeling enough plot-lines for an entire series of a certain popular TV sci-fi show (the producers have yet to get back to me). More seriously I have found that certain spiritual currents do interact with the Earth from outer space – as it were – and that this method is way of interacting with them not just in abstracto but also in the way they manifest upon this planet.

“Mathers / Sidereal”

The positions given in the “Mathers / Sidereal” column in the tables below are worked out in the following manner: the difference in Right Ascension between the position of the star in question, and that of Regulus (Alpha-Leonis) is taken, and converted into Degrees of Longitude. By then assuming Regulus to be 0º of Leo, one can determine the position of the star in question in relation thereto.

This results in a peculiar system of “Sidereal Astrology,” but unlike Sidereal systems which are popular among astrologers today. The primary difference being that in the Fagan-Bradley method, Regulus is assumed to be 5º of Leo – the Lahiri method is almost the same at 5º 53′. If this were so, then the “Age of Aquarius” will occur in approximately 400 years time. However: if MacGregor Mathers’ attribution of Regulus to 0º of Leo is accepted, then the Age of Aquarius is actually beginning (almost literally) now. Mathers’ line of reasoning was that all measurements should be taken from Regulus given that it was the brightest star on the Ecliptic: Regulus also corresponds to one of the four points associated with Tiphereth.

All systems of Sidereal Astrology are attempts to make the astrological zodiac more closely approximate the actual heavens than Tropical Astrology, but they are still approximations only. This is because astrology assumes the zodiac is divided into twelve segments of equal size (i.e. 30º each), whereas in reality the size of each constellation varies greatly. Hence the reason why the Pleiades (for example), although astronomically in the constellation of Taurus, nevertheless falls in the astrological sign of Aries in Mathers’ system of astrology (it would be 29.75º of Aries under Fagan/Bradley).

“Tarot Card”

Given the “Mathers / Sidereal” longitude of the star in question, one can then work out the precise Tarot card by noting its declination in relation to the path of the ecliptic. A decent Star-Map helps greatly here, and by “decent” I mean “more accurate than those given in The Golden Dawn! Two cases in point are the positions of Wolf 1061 and Trappist 1 (see below). These lie so close to the Ecliptic that it is necessary to pin-point exactly where these stars lie in their respective constellations, as it is the difference between the “Prince of Cups” and “Death” on the one hand, and the “Prince of Swords” and “The Star” on the other.

Habitable Exo-Planets

Stars which have been speculated to be orbited by at least one Earth-like planet capable of sustaining life – as found by either the Transit or Radial Velocity methods of detection.

The first set of planets with which I shall deal derive from yer actual Astronomy. At the time of writing (November 2017) there have been 13 exo-planets out of 3,693 so-far detected which Astronomers believe are capable of sustaining life, including three Earth-like planets in the Trappist-1 system alone. (NB this blog post has been edited since then to keep up with latest developments in Exoplanet research – as of December 2020 a further six such planets have been either discovered or newly identified as lying in their star’s habitable zone, including an extra member of the Trappist-1 system.)

The fact that only a small number of constellations appear to have such planets is probably because only a small portion of the Universe has been investigated. Hence if we are going to introduce at least a smidgeon of rationality into this whole business of contacting aliens, it would make sense to start here.

Name / Designation Distance (light years) Constellation Tarot-card
(Astronomic) (Mathers / Sidereal)
Gliese 667 Cc 22 Scorpius 7.5º Scorpio Death
Kepler-62f 1200 Lyra 11º Sagittarius King of Wands
Kepler-186f 560 Cygnus 26.5º Sagittarius Queen of Pentacles
Kepler-442b 1120 Lyra 13.25º Sagittarius King of Wands
“Coruscant” (Kepler-452b) 1400 Cygnus 24º Sagittarius Queen of Pentacles
Wolf 1061c 14 Ophiuchus 5.5º Scorpio Prince of Cups
Kepler-1229b 770 Cygnus 25.5º Sagittarius Queen of Pentacles
Proxima Centauri b 4.2 Centaurus 5.5º Libra Justice
Kapteyn b 12.8 Pictor 26º Taurus 7 of Pentacles
Luyten B
12.2 Canis Minor 19.75º Gemini The Lovers
(i.e. 4 planets out of a 7 planet system)
39 Aquarius 14.5º Aquarius Prince of Swords
LHS-1140b 40 Cetus 9.15º Pisces The Moon
Kepler-1638b* ???? Cygnus 23.39º Sagittarius Queen of Pentacles
12.58 Aries 11.25º Aries Queen of Wands
TOI-700d 101.4 Dorado 5º Gemini 8 of Swords.

* NB: I tried to look up Kepler 1638, the star, and got three different figures for its distance from Earth, ranging from 879 light years to almost 5000 light years!

Aliens with whom we are already in contact

Star systems containing Alien Races – as found by “channelling” and other sources.

I now turn to Alien races whose existence has been asserted not by Astronomers or Astrobiologists, but by New Age practitioners and ex-Coventry City footballers. I personally have mixed feelings – some of these alleged alien contacts have inspired the best spiritual teachings of modern times (e.g. the Pleiadians), whilst others have done the most to bring the genre into disrepute – more SewAge than NewAge, as it were. I have a particular bugbear about the significance of Thuban (Alpha Draconis) – it is important in the spiritual history of this planet in more ways than one, but not in the manner alleged by David Icke.

Name / Designation Distance (light years) Constellation Tarot-card
(Astronomic) (Mathers / Sidereal)
An unnamed star which was “in the direction of Orion” but has now shifted to a higher dimension – home of the Essassani 500 Orion Too vague to get a precise fix! The Hierophant (or possibly “The Lovers” due to the vagueness of the directions).
Sirius – home of Sirian Hybrids (cf Kenneth Grant‘s “Sirius/Set Current”) 8.6 Canis Major 9.25º Gemini The Lovers
The Pleiades – home of the Pleiadians 444 Taurus 24.75º Aries Prince of Pentacles
Arcturus – home of Arcturians 36.7 Boötes 2º Libra Queen of Swords
Thuban – home of Reptilians (according to David Icke) 303 Draco 29º Virgo Princess of Wands

Not included – details about the Yahyel or Shalanaya, as apparently they either don’t want to give away the location of their home planet, or they don’t have one, roaming the galaxy in large ships as they do.

Me Sursum Transmitte, Caledone

Aliens that only exist in fiction … OR DO THEY???

Finally by way of light relief, a selection of aliens and their homeworlds which, unlike the alien races noted in the section above, are not claimed to be anything other than fiction.

Name / Designation Distance (light years) Constellation Tarot-card
(Astronomic) (Mathers / Sidereal)
40 Eridani A, the location of Vulcan in Star Trek.
Ironically, since this article was first written, a “Super-Earth” has now been found to be orbiting this very star.
16 Eridanus 1.75º Taurus The Hierophant
Aldebaran – home of Hastur The Unspeakable, from the Cthulhu Mythos. 65 Taurus 7º Taurus The Hierophant
The Horsehead Nebula – location of Magrathea, centre of the custom-built luxury planet industry 1500  Orion 23.25º Taurus  The Hierophant
Altair-4, aka the Forbidden Planet 17 Aquila 25.5º Sagittarius Queen of Pentacles
LV-426 (aka “Acheron”), the planet visited by USS Nostromo in Alien 39 Reticulum 17.5º Aries 3 of Wands

Not included: any planets from the Star Wars films, given that their location is only specified as a galaxy far, far away; nor from Doctor Who, given that in fifty-seven years its writers have consistently avoided troubling themselves with astronomy.


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Do you think the world is ready for alien disclosure?

No, we're nice people really!

No, we’re nice people really!

My answer to Do you think the world is ready for alien disclosure?

Answer by Alex Sumner:

No – for several reasons:

Firstly, from a military point of view, the armed forces of this planet are under orders to treat any unidentified incursion into their nation’s airspace as a potentially hostile action.

Secondly, from a psychological point of view, any attempt to present evidence that beings of a non-Earth origin are in contact with this planet would run up against widescale Cognitive Dissonance, i.e. the vast majority of the population would either dismiss it as fake, or not accept it as literally true except insofar as they could fit it into their unconscious prejudices about how they view the Universe.

Our extraterrestrial brethren will not openly reveal themselves willingly until they have made contact in a non-threatening manner with a large number of sympathetically minded humans. Any human agency that tries to do forcibly disclose their existence before then does not have their best interests at heart!

Do you think the world is ready for alien disclosure?

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“If you hear any noise, it’s just me and the boys, hit me!”

News that it is estimated that as many as one in four Sun-like stars could have Earth-like planets. Hey! I don’t make this shit up, that is how the Daily Telegraph words it. It’s like that old line from The Naked Gun – “Doctors say that Nordberg has a 50/50 chance of living, though there’s only a 10 percent chance of that.”

Anyhoo – let’s assume for one moment that one in four Sun-like solar systems are in fact inhabited. Recently I have been observing (on this planet) a growing phenomenon which finds manifestation in a number of different forms, but is essentially different ways of saying the same thing. I refer to what I shall call by a generic name of Special People. As far as I can discern, the “Special People” Phenomenon consists of the following:

  • There exists a number of people on this planet who are not like other people – the eponymous “Special People”;
  • There has been a trend since 1968 or thereabouts for progressively more children to be born as “Special People.”
  • These “Special People” are particularly gifted when it comes to psychism, intuition, meditation, etc
  • The “Special People” in some way feel apart from or separate to the rest of humanity.
  • What makes “Special People” special is hotly debated in the New Age community (and takes up a lot of shelf-space in the Mind Body Wallet section of New Age Bookshops).

The “Special People” go by different names, including:

Star-SeedsIndigo ChildrenWalk-InsOld Soulsetc

The more I seem to read up on the subject however, the more I notice one thing in common with all of them: they are all attempts to apotheosize the social inept and awkward, and sometimes in extreme cases the downright sociopathic. It strikes me that if Karma has propelled one’s soul to a specific location, then the Karmic Lesson is to learn how to integrate with the destination, not remain aloof from it.

Moreover: the “Special People” phenomenon overly emphasises the role of people born in the past forty years or so. The danger here being that this is rather unfair on elders who, after all have traditionally been society’s teachers. Hell: most of today’s wisdom originated with people born hundreds or even thousands of years ago, so where they figure into the “Special People” phenomenon is anybody’s guess.

We are all “old souls,” the only difference being that one person may appreciate their past-life  experience to a greater extent than another. We are also all “Star-seeds” – the star in question being our own Sun. If we could look within ourselves and find out what is the best of humanity, then that is what we would be taking out to the cosmos – instead of expecting the flow of information to be one way, from cosmos to Earth.

Not too sure about walk-ins or indigo-people, although the latter does remind of the Purple Joke.


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Aliens: British Government Admits Yet Another Cover-up

In the ongoing debate about the existence of extra-terrestrial life, by far the most reliable barometer of veracity has weighed in on the side of our Alien Brethren. No, not scientists – I’m talking about William Hill, the bookmakers! In a story in today’s Daily Telegraph, it is reported that they are slashing the odds that our Cosmic Companions exist because it transpires that Winston Churchill covered up a UFO incident in World War Two.

Actually, given the Daily Telegraph’s reputation for up-to-the-minute reportage, it is probably the same UFO incident that we already know he covered up, but reported for a second time.

The odds of the British Government admitting intelligent alien life existing by the end of the year are now 80-1, down from 100-1. These are actually surprisingly good – they are certainly better than playing the National Lottery.


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News today that our extraterrestrial friends have been paying us a visit again, this time taking in China.

One of the greatest ironies is that this has been covered widely on Google and YouTube – two sites which are censored by the Chinese Government! Hence: most of the Chinese people don’t actually know that this UFO has been hovering over their country!

Unfortunately though I do not hold out much hope that this is an example of extraterrestrial technology. The airport where it was sighted – Zheijang – is 29º North of the equator: as I have said on previous occasions, only UFO sightings on or near the equator itself should be seriously investigated as possible alien craft.

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As if reading countless standard response letters to reported UFO sightings is not mind numblingly boring enough in one language, now some MEP wants to force the same repeated in all the linguae francae of the European Union.

Yes: Mario Borghezio wants all EU governments to release all the data they are keeping on UFOs – in much the same way that the British Government did last year.

Personally I think he could save a lot of time by prioritising. The one EU country that UFO hunters definitely do want to release data is Belgium, because it is the scene of one of the only exciting incidents since that of the Halt Memorandum in the past thirty years. Several years ago an F16 was scrambled from an airbase in Belgium in response to a UFO alert. The British MOD has consistently resisted commenting on the incident on the grounds that because it happened in another country it is none of their business.

I do hope though that however the situation is resolved it is not through more EU red-tape and bureaucracy. The more I hear about the goings on of the EU Commission, the more I am reminded of the Vogons from Douglas Adams’ Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy!


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