Tag Archives: happy new year

Current Work 2024

Happy new year everyone! I am currently in the middle of writing a new novel, which I expect to be finished this year. It will be a thriller, part supernatural, but also part conspiracy. I would have got it finished sooner, but in the middle of writing it, I came down with a bad case of Literature which meant I had to do a major revision. For more news, watch this space!

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This is an experimental video project. The soundtrack is an “isochronic tone” intended to aid “Manifestation” (cosmic ordering, creative visualisation, “the Secret” etc). The images are selected to represent positive goals which will benefit both the individual and the whole planet, e.g.

* Success (sporting endeavour)
* Abundance
* Love
* Peace
* Respect (for others and for the planet)

Recommended for meditation.

No copyright intended: all sounds and images are copyright the respective owners.

Isochronic tones available from:

1 Comment

January 1, 2018 · 12:00 am


The Cornucopia, symbol of prosperity and abundance.

The Cornucopia (“Horn of Plenty”) is the ancient symbol of prosperity and abundance. ‘Tis said that a Goat protected Zeus during his upbringing: in grateful thanks he (a) cast the Goat into the Heavens to become the sign Capricorn and (b) made one of its horns a neverending supply of all things good.

May the symbol of the Cornucopia become as a thought-form which attracts all things good to you in the forthcoming year and beyond.

Happy New Year! 🙂



Filed under Supernatural

2010: The Year We Make Contact

Happy New Year everyone. Those who know their sci-fi will remember that the title of this blog-post refers to the 1984 film of Arthur C Clarke’s novel. I am particularly hoping that this proves to be prophetic, not least because it may validate my own theories about spiritual contact with alien entities, which I have written about previously.

At time of writing, there are currently 415 known extra-solar planets, and 303 “candidate” ones. Looking at a list of them, one notices that there is only a passing correlation between their locations and conventional astrology. It would be interesting though to investigate them using the Golden Dawn’s system of astrology, which does not confine itself to the belt of the Zodiac, but ascribes significance to each portion of the visible heavens.

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius all have extrasolar planets orbiting at least some of their stars. There is at least one in the constellation of Draco, which in the Golden Dawn system is attributed to the sephirah Kether.

Meanwhile, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius all have “candidates.” A “candidate” is one whose status as an exoplanet is yet to be confirmed. There are others, both confirmed and candidate exoplanets, dotted around the whole sphere of the whole sphere of the heavens. These are all many light-years away, so the prospect of contacting them through conventional means is going to be a difficult and drawn out process.

However, following Michael Talbot’s idea of a “holographic universe,” even the greatest distances of time and space are present right here and now: if we find out the correct mode of consciousness to access them. The human mind is really a “holon” of the macrocosmic hologram, i.e. the universe itself. Thus the prospect of reaching out into the Universe with spiritual means is a far more viable option for 2010.


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